Contoh Agreement and Disagreement

Contoh Agreement and Disagreement

Contoh agreement and disagreement, or examples of agreement and disagreement in Indonesian, are commonly used phrases in discussions or debates. Knowing how to express agreement and disagreement is essential in effectively communicating your opinions and ideas. In this article, we will discuss some common phrases used to express agreement and disagreement.

Contoh Agreement (Examples of Agreement)

1. Saya setuju (I agree)

This is a simple and straightforward expression of agreement. It’s a great way to express your support for a particular idea or opinion.

2. Sama-sama (Same here)

This phrase is more informal and is often used in everyday conversations. It means “me too” or “I feel the same way.”

3. Tentu saja (Of course)

This phrase is commonly used to express strong agreement or affirmation. It’s a great way to show enthusiasm for a particular idea or opinion.

4. Benar sekali (Exactly)

This phrase is used to express complete agreement. It’s a great way to emphasize that you share the same opinion.

Contoh Disagreement (Examples of Disagreement)

1. Saya tidak setuju (I don’t agree)

This is a straightforward way to express disagreement. It’s important to express your opinions, even if they differ from others.

2. Bagaimana kalau…? (What if…?)

This phrase is often used to suggest an alternative solution or idea. It’s a great way to start a discussion and explore different options.

3. Tapi… (But…)

This is a simple way to introduce a contrasting opinion. It’s a great way to show that you’ve been following the discussion and have a different perspective.

4. Menurut saya… (In my opinion…)

This phrase is often used to introduce a differing opinion or suggestion. It’s a great way to express your thoughts without sounding confrontational.


Expressing agreement and disagreement is an essential part of effective communication. Utilizing these contoh agreement and disagreement phrases can help you better express your opinions and ideas, and engage in meaningful discussions and debates. By using these phrases, you can respectfully communicate your thoughts and show your active participation in any conversation. Remember that expressing your opinions should always be done with respect and consideration, and that listening to others’ opinions is just as important as expressing your own.

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