Yeditepe Learning Agreement

Yeditepe Learning Agreement

Yeditepe Learning Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

Yeditepe University is a private university located in Istanbul, Turkey. One of the key elements of the Yeditepe University experience is the Yeditepe Learning Agreement, a contract that outlines the academic expectations and responsibilities of both students and faculty members.

What is the Yeditepe Learning Agreement?

The Yeditepe Learning Agreement is a contract that is signed by all undergraduate and graduate students at the beginning of their academic program. It outlines the responsibilities of students, their academic advisors, and faculty members. The agreement ensures that students are aware of their academic, social, and ethical responsibilities that come with being a student at Yeditepe.

What are the key elements of the Yeditepe Learning Agreement?

There are several key elements of the Yeditepe Learning Agreement, including:

1. Academic Expectations: This section outlines the academic expectations of the university, including the required number of credit hours for graduation, the minimum GPA requirement, and the general academic policies that students are expected to follow.

2. Social and Ethical Responsibilities: This section highlights the social and ethical responsibilities of students, including the importance of respecting the rights and freedoms of others, avoiding plagiarism and academic dishonesty, and maintaining the highest standards of behavior both on and off-campus.

3. Faculty Expectations: The Yeditepe Learning Agreement also outlines the expectations of faculty members, including the requirement to provide students with timely and constructive feedback on their work, maintain regular office hours and respond to student inquiries in a timely and professional manner.

Why is the Yeditepe Learning Agreement important?

The Yeditepe Learning Agreement is an essential component of the Yeditepe University experience because it helps to promote a culture of academic excellence and accountability among students, faculty members, and academic advisors. It ensures that everyone involved in the academic process is aware of their roles and responsibilities, thus creating a positive and supportive academic environment.

In addition, the Yeditepe Learning Agreement provides a framework for students to become active participants in their own academic progress. They are required to take ownership of their learning experience and actively seek feedback from their academic advisors and faculty members.

In conclusion, the Yeditepe Learning Agreement is an essential tool for promoting academic excellence, ethical behavior, and accountability among students, faculty members, and academic advisors at Yeditepe University. By understanding and adhering to the expectations outlined in this agreement, students are better equipped to succeed academically and become responsible and engaged citizens of the world.

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